Easter egg stamping with potatoes

Are you ready for some simple easter fun? All you need is paper, paints & potatoes. We are on our second month of self isolation, staying home and staying safe. We love vegetable stamping and potato stamping ideas are endless.

Materials needed:
other tools (optional)
tissue/kitchen roll

Start by cutting your potato in half lengthwise so you end up with two oval halves. The next step is to “carve” out a stamp from the flat surfaces of the potato halves. I just used a knife, but you can get creative with chops sticks and other tools. After carving them I lightly pressed them onto tissue paper to absorb all the liquid, the dryer the potato is easier the paint stays on.

We then used a paintbrush to paint each section of the potato in two different colors.

Once you are done, flip the potato over and firmly press it down onto the paper, carefully lift up the potato, and there is your Easter egg.

There are many different designs that you can make with potatoes and vegetable stamps. 

Tip: Make sure you get enough paint on the potato to get a good solid stamp out of it, but not so much paint that it squeezes out past the edges of the potato and blurs the lines. But once you’ve carved your potato stamp, you can practice as many times as you need to in order to get it right; just add more paint and try again!